Daily plan – kindergarten group


7.30 a.m. – 8.00 a.m.

children arrival


8.20 a.m.

morning toilet and welcome song for every toddlers 🙂


8.30 a.m.

1st breakfast


9.00 a.m.

morning physical exercises with attribute (general development, whole attitude)


9.15 a.m.

orthopedic exercises with a mirror (speech therapy – vocal apparatus exercise)


9.30 a.m.

English lesson


10.00 a.m.

2nd breakfast


10.15 a.m.

didactic and educational activities (according to the thematic plan of the week)


10.45 a.m.

corrective and compensatory exercises, individual work with the child. When it does not rain – we are going on the walk


11.25 a.m.

toilet before next meal


11.30 a.m.

lunch period

fun at table (puzzle, hand works) and listen classical music

relaxation and rest



1.00 p.m.

physical activity – motorics exercises


1.15 p.m.

toilet before next meal


1.30 p.m.



2.00 p.m.

group fun


2.30 p.m.



3.00 p.m. – 6.30 p.m. 

fun in the playroom – inspired by the teacher

go home


Weekly plan

Every week we have different topic. Within the subject matter.

Children develop the following intelligence:

Developing speech and thinking


Develop English skills



In each of the above areas children learn through a play.

Moreover, we focus on the daily interaction in the following scopes:


“LITTLE POLYGLOT” lessons are daily English conversation with a teacher.

“LITTLE CHEF” lessons are every Friday, here children prepare their baked goods and take them to home.

“CHILDREN ZUMBA” is every Monday, here children express their emotions through motion.

“Little PITAGORAS” lessons are everyday, here children develop their mathematical skills and teach logical thinking
